IPC Systems - Translation Services

IPC Systems, a leading provider of electronic trading and infrastructure-as-a-service solutions to global financial markets, requested our assistance in translating product sheets, e-brochures and white papers for their international client-base.

Pink Tiger Media encompasses a talented team of linguists able to translate material and localize copy so it is sensitive to – and resonates with – specific audiences in Europe, China and the broader APAC region, delivering clients’ messages with impact. Likewise, the design team work to enhance the graphics so they resonate with local audiences.

PTM work with IPC Systems’ APAC teams to translate content from English into Traditional Chinese (TC), Simplified Chinese (SC), Japanese, and other European languages, assisting in the review process to ensure accuracy and quality. This service has been delivered over many years, allowing IPC to access clients in global markets where English is not the first medium of communication.


Hex Trust - Website Development


Ascenders Announces Integration with Arbitrum for their upcoming Ascenders: Simulation Launch